Everything Wrong
With NorCal
Everything Wrong With NorCal, August 2021, is a mini-zine that combines quick sketches with clean design formatting, it is easy to reprint and distribute because of its simple concept and design. I made this zine after moving to Berkeley and have used it to highlight a lot of the resources or options that exist here. I have also used it to once and for all settle, this NorCal vs SoCal debate because let's be real when you think California the first image that pops in your head is Sunny Southern California, not Foggy Northern California. As you can tell, I still haven't fully adjusted to NorCal life yet...

Everything Wrong
✰ The temperature, how can it be 60 degrees but the sun is burning my scalp
✰ Why is everything so far, yet this is a walkable area
✰ The Targets, I have not seen one normally stocked or formatted Target yet
✰ The Grocery Stores (AGAIN), why do I need to go to 3 different stores just for a week's worth of groceries. I'll tell you why, its because none of them have the same spices
✰ Safeway, Why do we accept this as a grocery store. it makes no sense, its not organized properly, it doesn't have everything a person needs, and the service why can I get service in any Safeway.